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NSA aware of alien arrival

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NSA aware of alien arrival Empty NSA aware of alien arrival

Post by Bad Wolf Mon 11 Feb 2013, 15:13

Found this yesterday..the attached is supposed to be the received communication of an imminent alien (ET) arrival 3.31.13  alien

NSA aware of alien arrival Nsa110
*guest will need to log in to download the full report
NSA aware of alien arrival Attachment
key_to_et_messages.pdf You don't have permission to download attachments.(310 Kb) Downloaded 1 times

Last edited by Bad Wolf on Sun 22 Jan 2023, 11:45; edited 3 times in total

NSA aware of alien arrival Alcbar13
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NSA aware of alien arrival Empty Re: NSA aware of alien arrival

Post by Bad Wolf Sun 22 Jan 2023, 11:30

never thought i'd be following up on this anytime soon  mooninite craft

Space.com wrote:
Pentagon releases its long-awaited 2022 UFO report
*By Brett Tingley January 12th 2023

The Pentagon's long-awaited 2022 report on Unidentified Aerial Phenomena, or UAP, is finally here. 

The unclassified "2022 Annual Report on Unidentified Aerial Phenomena" was published by the Pentagon's Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) on Thursday (Jan. 12) after a months-long delay. The report was mandated by the 2022 National Defense Authorization Act and was created by ODNI's National Intelligence Manager for Aviation and the newly-established All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO). Input was gathered from various intelligence community agencies and military intelligence offices, the Federal Aviation Administration, the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), the Department of Energy (DoE), and NASA.

In all, the report covers some 510 cataloged UAP reports gathered from agencies involved in the report and the branches of the United States military. The document notes that the majority of these were gathered from U.S. Navy and U.S. Air Force personnel who reported them through official channels. Ultimately, the unclassified report concludes that, while UAP "continue to represent a hazard to flight safety and pose a possible adversary collection threat," many of the reports "lack enough detailed data to enable attribution of UAP with high certainty."

Out of these 510 total UAP reports, ODNI assessed 366 that had been newly identified since AARO's creation. Of these, 26 were characterized as uncrewed aircraft systems (UAS), or drones, 163 were attributed to balloons or "balloon-like entities," and six were found to be airborne "clutter" such as birds or airborne plastic shopping bags. 

That leaves 171 reported UAP sightings that remain "uncharacterized and unattributed," according to ODNI's report. "Some of these uncharacterized UAP appear to have demonstrated unusual flight characteristics or performance capabilities, and require further analysis," the report adds.

While there are no definite Earth-shattering conclusions about the origins of the UAP (as unidentified flying objects, or UFOs, have recently been rebranded) seen in the incidents analyzed in ODNI's unclassified report, the document highlights a growing emphasis on airspace safety, prompted in part by the recent proliferation of drones  — some of which might represent intelligence-gathering efforts by the United States' adversaries. 

"UAP events continue to occur in restricted or sensitive airspace, highlighting possible concerns for safety of flight or adversary collection activity," ODNI states in the report, adding that the agency continues "to assess that this may result from a collection bias due to the number of active aircraft and sensors, combined with focused attention and guidance to report anomalies." 

In other words, military aviators in controlled airspace may be reporting more UAP/UFOs in these areas because there are naturally more sensors scanning the skies around military facilities and training ranges.

Additionally, the report notes that factors such as weather conditions, lighting and atmospheric effects can affect the observation of presumed UAP. The office therefore operates "under the assumption that UAP reports are derived from the observer's accurate recollection of the event and/or sensors that generally operate correctly and capture enough real data to allow initial assessments."

However, the report notes that some of the cataloged UAP incidents covered in the report may have been caused by operator or equipment error or faults with the sensors used that detected UAP in these events. 

"It is clear that there is an urgent and critical need to improve aerospace safety by dedicating scientific research into UAP," said Ryan Graves, former Navy F/A-18 pilot and chair of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics' Unidentified Aerospace Phenomena Integration & Outreach Committee (UAPIOC), in a statement following the release of the ODNI's report. "We must stop unscrupulous speculation, break stigma, and invest in science to address this national safety threat," Graves added.

While improving flight safety in both domestic and military airspace is the principal motivation underlying the creation of the report, the document notes that "there have been no reported collisions between U.S. aircraft and UAP" to date. Furthermore, there have also been no UAP encounters "confirmed to contribute directly to adverse health-related effects to the observer(s)," contrary to many claims made in recent years.

While far from a smoking gun of any kind, the ODNI's report shows that the U.S. government appears to be taking UAP and airspace safety issues seriously following years of media sensationalism surrounding a handful of highly publicized encounters reported by U.S. Navy aviators in training ranges off the coast of Southern California. 

To date, the Pentagon asserts that these cases remain unexplained.
Read the original article at: https://www.space.com/pentagon-2022-ufo-uap-report

2022 Annual Report on Unidentified Aerial Phenomena may be found at: https://www.dni.gov/index.php/newsroom/reports-publications/reports-publications-2023/item/2354-2022-annual-report-on-unidentified-aerial-phenomena

NSA aware of alien arrival Alcbar13
Bad Wolf
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NSA aware of alien arrival Empty Re: NSA aware of alien arrival

Post by Bad Wolf Wed 26 Jul 2023, 19:26

We meet again, seven months from then lol, who would have thought:

cnn.com wrote:
A House Oversight subcommittee convened Wednesday’s (26.07.23) hearing on UFOs, as the lawmakers who pushed for the hearing are calling for the government to be more forthcoming about the unidentified anomalous phenomena.

The government characterizes the unexplained sightings as UAPs and has released reports on the cases in recent years. Some of them still have not been explained, while others have been attributed to “balloon or balloon-entities,” as well as drones, birds, weather events or airborne debris like plastic bags.

Three retired military veterans testified Wednesday at a House hearing on unidentified anomalous phenomena – commonly known as UFOs – warning that the sightings are a national security problem and that the government has been too secretive about them.

– David Grusch, a former intelligence official and whistleblower who said last month that the US has “intact and partially intact” alien vehicles.
– David Fravor, an ex-Navy commander who reported seeing an object flying across the sky during a 2004 training mission.
– Ryan Graves, a retired Navy pilot who appeared on CBS’s 60 Minutes saying that he had spotted unidentified aerial phenomena off the Atlantic coast “every day for at least a couple years”.

Graves and David Fravor, a retired US Navy commander, both testified about their own sightings of UAPs while they were serving in the military. David Grusch, a former Air Force intelligence officer, alleged that the government has covered up its research into the unidentified sightings and said he reported information to the intelligence community inspector general.

Grusch claimed that the US government not only has UAPs in its possession but also the remains of the allegedly “non-human” pilots of the aircraft. However, when he was pressed, he made it clear this was what he has been told by others, and he did not have firsthand information. “That’s something I’ve not witnessed myself,” he said.

"Right now we need a system where pilots can report without fear of losing their jobs,” Graves said. “There is a fear that the stigma related to this topic is going to lead to professional repercussions either through management or through their yearly physical check.”

No government officials testified at Wednesday’s hearing. In April, Sean Kirkpatrick, the director of the Pentagon’s All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office, which Congress created to focus on UAPs, told a Senate subcommittee the US government was tracking 650 potential cases of unidentified aerial phenomena, playing video from two of the episodes. Kirkpatrick emphasized there was no evidence of extraterrestrial life and that his office found “no credible evidence” of objects that defy the known laws of physics.

Of the 650 cases the government is tracking, Kirkpatrick said, “We’ve prioritized about half of them to be of anomalous interesting value, and now we have to go through those and go ‘How much of those do I have actual data for?’”

Read the full original article at: https://www.cnn.com/2023/07/26/politics/ufo-house-hearing-congress/index.html


NSA aware of alien arrival Alcbar13
Bad Wolf
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NSA aware of alien arrival Empty Re: NSA aware of alien arrival

Post by Bad Wolf Sat 02 Sep 2023, 13:36

Always nice when I can update this thread.

usatoday wrote:
Pentagon unveils new UFO website that will be a 'one-stop' shop for declassified info

The Pentagon's office to investigate UFOs revealed on Thursday a new website where the public can access declassified information about reported sightings.

The site will be operated by the All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO,) a relatively new Pentagon program established to analyze reports of what the government officially refers to as unidentified anomalous (or aerial) phenomena. The Department of Defense announced the website in a press release, hailing it as a "one-stop shop" for photos and video of UAP approved for public release.

The site will also soon be a place where U.S. government and military personnel can report objects violating U.S. airspace or flying in ways believed to be beyond the capabilities of human technology.

The site now includes a handful of videos, some of which have been explained as commercial craft and some of which have been labeled as "unresolved." Each video contains a short description with an explanation by AARO of where it was captured and what characteristics the object is exhibiting.

The site also includes links to an assortment of laws, memos, congressional briefings and press releases related to UAP.

The Pentagon plans to update the website this fall to include a secure tool allowing current and former U.S. government employees, service members and contractors with direct knowledge of government programs or activities to contact AARO directly to make a report.

Read the original full article at: https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2023/09/01/pentagon-ufo-website-aaro-uap-program/70736792007/

This is awesome. Maybe now, one way or another, we'll get solid answers on all these close encounters.


NSA aware of alien arrival Alcbar13
Bad Wolf
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